1. Overly Complex Designs:

  • Trend: Complex and overly elaborate designs, including excessive animations, videos, or elements that distract from the main message.
  • Reality: Cluttered designs can overwhelm visitors, leading to confusion and a higher bounce rate. Focus on simplicity and clarity to communicate your message effectively.

2. Too Many Call-to-Actions (CTAs):

  • Trend: Including multiple CTAs thinking it will increase conversion opportunities.
  • Reality: Too many CTAs can confuse visitors and dilute the primary goal of the landing page. Focus on a clear, primary CTA that guides visitors toward the desired action.

3. Lengthy Forms:

  • Trend: Including lengthy forms to gather extensive user data.
  • Reality: Long forms can deter users from completing them. Opt for concise forms, asking for essential information, and consider progressive profiling (collecting information over time).

4. Lack of Mobile Responsiveness:

  • Trend: Ignoring mobile responsiveness, assuming desktop design is sufficient.
  • Reality: Mobile users constitute a significant portion of web traffic. Ensure your landing page is responsive and offers a seamless experience across devices.

5. Autoplaying Media:

  • Trend: Autoplaying videos or audio upon landing page load.
  • Reality: Autoplaying media can disrupt the user experience, leading to annoyance and increased bounce rates. Allow users to initiate media playback.

6. Misleading or Clickbait Content:

  • Trend: Using misleading headlines or exaggerated claims to attract clicks.
  • Reality: Trust is crucial. Misleading content damages credibility and can lead to negative user experiences. Ensure your landing page content aligns with the visitor’s expectations.

7. Ignoring Loading Speed:

  • Trend: Neglecting loading speed due to incorporating high-resolution images or heavy scripts.
  • Reality: Slow-loading pages lead to higher bounce rates. Optimize images, reduce unnecessary scripts, and prioritize loading speed for a better user experience.

8. Neglecting A/B Testing:

  • Trend: Assuming one design or strategy fits all scenarios.
  • Reality: A/B testing allows you to refine your landing page based on real user data. Continuously test variations to optimize conversion rates.


When designing landing pages, it’s essential to focus on strategies that prioritize user experience, clarity of message, and a clear path toward conversion. Avoiding trends that compromise these elements can lead to more effective and successful landing pages for your website. Always consider your target audience, their needs, and how your landing page can best serve them to achieve your business objectives.